Sunday, July 22, 2018

Dev Spaces for Azure Kubernetes Services Released!

The public preview of Dev Spaces for Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) is now there to try out. Now you can build and debug applications for Kubernetes – only available on Azure

Forget about using different local development environments for fixing bugs and working on changes. We are working in teams where interconnected components within the solutions such as MicroServices are common. You can team up and host the testing code on Azure DevSpaces and only change and test what you need to test. This simplifies the process of development and reduce the errors that are found when an integrated test is done just before the release. 

Set Up:
You just need to get ready with your IDE and Azure CLI (Command Line Interface).
Just Create a new Dev Space inside AKS and begin working on any component.

Use following command to Create a new Dev Space inside AKS

azds space select --name testDevSpace

Rapid Code Changes
Your code changes are just a click away from being developer friendly to team friendly where the others also can see what you have changed. The process is simple. 

1. You debug and test on your own space. 
2. When successfull and ready to make available for the others, deploy it to the 'default' space where others also can test. 

This might mean a commit to the source control manager where the others also get access to code, which is not necessary for DevSpaces, but for the source control management. 

Remote Debugging for containers
Do you like that feeling where it feels like you are debugging on local, but actually debugging on cloud? 

Yes. The Dev Spaces allow your code to be debugged on cloud. You do not need to run IIS on your machine. It will assign a local port if HTTP routing is not enabled, but still it debugs on cloud. Which is amazing as even others can check the code I am debugging or building via a public url. The best thing is you can create as many as spaces you like (till now) and it can be sub scoped based on the developer or the sprint that you are working on. 

Bootstrap new applications easily
Kubernetes provide many advantages over running things on typical Virtual Machines. The community is very much supportive as well. Without creating any YAML manifests or Docker files, following code will simply get things ready to be deployed. If you are a Visual Studio fan, that is just a click away. 

azds prep

This command will create Docker file, Helm chart, and other metadata into your source tree.

You can actively make changes to markup files and they will uploaded to the cloud in real time. If you make any managed code change, that will need a stop and re debug as normal IIS, still uploads and runs on cloud very smoothly. 

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