Purchasing consumption in advance can be extremely effective not only considering the large discounts get applied. With the business market trends that are fluctuating and swinging at such an unpredicted fashion and the market forces are unknown to which be accounted in, having a 3 year predictability is a bonus. Reserved instances have been very helpful with Azure but it came with certain limitations. Here are my top 4 takeaways from Azure Savings Plan for Compute.
1. More flexibility over Reserved Instances
Reserved instances came with a few restrictions that were not much capable of moving things around. Even some of the available flexibility will be reduced by next year. Savings Plan for Compute can be activated at many different scopes and can be changed even after purchase. Also it allows using a vast range of services ranging from Azure Functions (Premium, Dedicated) to VMs to VMSS.
Nevertheless, Reserve Instances are unannounced to be decommissioned anytime soon.