Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Service Connectors in Azure App Services

Are we ready to say bye to the connection strings when connecting to a database? Yes we were when the managed identities came in. It reduced the hassle of storing connection strings with passwords and provided the opportunity for the infra team to set them up. All the developers have to setup is the url and the authentication mechanism. 

Service connectors just allow regulate these connections in a much better way. It is a feature add-on that available for App Services, Container Apps and Spring Apps. There are multiple targeted services that include DB services and necessary Azure services. 

Creating a connection in Portal is simple as a few clicks. Although the same can be done with Azure CLI.

Depending on the target service selected, authentication option will be available. 
Finally the networking and validation for the connection.

As of now, there are limited regions supported, but most of the Americas and Europe are do. 

One of the valuable features within it is monitoring service availability which otherwise has to be done within the application code.

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