Friday, November 17, 2017

SharePoint mobile improvements

Microsoft has kept investing on SharePoint for mobile devices for a long time. They have provided APIs that support developers to build apps that run on mobile devices, also the SharePoint mobile application that enables browsing content and making changes to the documents or pages on the go. The recent set of feature additions to SharePoint mobile application provides much advancements that people were expecting for a longer time. 

Mobile Notifications

Image Source: Microsoft Blog
SharePoint team knew you could not wait till get the notifications on recent changes or anything new relevant to you coming into mobile via updates. You could see some notifications when you log into the web browser, but browser is not something you always like to be on. Interestingly, SharePoint app for iOS and Android now just does that. 

App users will receive notifications when a person updates or create a new article or a document. It identifies whether the document is relevant to you by the outputs provided by the intelligence algorithms associated with Microsoft Graph or depending on your recent activity level on a particular SharePoint site. 

Me tab

Me tab is a new addition to the app. It includes two sub tabs. Recent and Saved. You can easily view your recent changes to the documents via the Recent tab. It does not matter whether you view or updated or created, all these related to any interaction in the recent past comes here. This make the work a lot productive as you do not have to browse through all the past items you have interacted with and prevents the need for navigation between sites. 

SharePoint has always had a great way to manage all the content in a well structured manner over the years, but viewing them across site collections, sites and even libraries required a lot of custom development. But right now, right here it makes things a lot easier for the users to view their content with recent updates.

The Saved tab enables you to keep items pinned and interact later whenever required. This was never available as a feature ever before within SharePoint. Once again, this improved productivity as you can keep it pinned there for days, months regardless of whenever you interacted with them. 

Lot of these new additions improve productivity while they remain to be the solid product they had before. It makes things look promising as there are always room for new features or tools that further expand the productivity. 

Apart from these common features supported on both operating systems, SharePoint for Android supports two new features that are Create news and on-premises connectivity for SharePoint 2013 and 2016.

1 comment:

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